I'm of course talking about 'inner beauty'. Just take a moment and think about if you spent as much time working on your inner beauty as you do on your external beauty what your world would look like. Inner beauty comes from kindness, positive thoughts and actions, non-judgement, self love and appreciation.
I have witnessed examples of good people forgetting to take care of their inner beauty over the past weeks and months when demonstrating their passion for either world events, tragedies and even through current political instability. Everyone needs to take note of the above wonderful quote and truly try to live it! - 'It's ok to have your own beliefs but don't force your beliefs on others'. We are all individuals made up of DNA, cultural experiences, life experiences and events, these all contribute to our own belief system. What we believe of a situation is made up of our previous experiences as outcomes from similar situations, other individuals may have a different believe because they have had a different outcome previously from a similar situation. As a result both individuals may believe they are 100% correct on what an outcome will be which can lead to out of standard character behaviours and mistreating each other if they let it.
I absolutely love that people have passion for current events however it saddens me when I see on
social media sites etc some of these passionate people putting requirements or judgements on their friendships with others if they disagree with their individual point of view, even to the point of deleting their friendship. I have also witnessed what I can only describe as bullying of some people who have dared to voice their own opinions and thoughts, sadly those doing the bullying I think truly believe they have a right to as they believe in their opinion they are right and the other person is uneducated. People, bullying is bullying, just because you believe something is true does not give you the right to put a person down, make fun of them, threaten them or belittle them. I also think that sometimes we, particularly as Australians, use 'it's the Aussie way, deal with it' as an excuse to justify hurtful or bullying comments. If a comment either degrades, hurts or belittles another human being then I for one do not accept it as being acceptable as 'the Aussie way'.
Here is what I hope:
I hope people start working on their 'inner beauty' and spending just as much time if not more as they do on their 'outer beauty'
I hope people start realising that what they believe may not be what another individual believe's but that is 'OK' after all we are all individuals with our own experiences, hopes and dreams.
I hope that everyone starts seeing that often there is more than 1 way of doing things or 1 way of thinking about things.
I hope people start being kinder to one another and stop putting conditions on friendships.
I hope people start loving themselves and finding peace within themselves.
I hope people start thinking before they either speak or write comments and ask themselves the following questions:
And I really hope that everyone's inner beauty starts to shine through for the world to see because really that is what is truly beautiful!
Have a wonderful day and don't forget to spend some time working on your inner beauty! ❤️❤️❤️