Saturday, 23 April 2016

Uncluttering my life - The Great Aussie Garage Sale experience!

For years we have been  saying we must have a garage sale and get rid of some of our old things.  The exciting thing is we finally took the step and had our first garage sale today!

When we started pulling out things to put in the sale I sadly realised that we probably could have starred on one of those reality shows about hoarders! Our 4 bay garage was 3 quarters full of items, whilst much loved at various times, all of this stuff was cluttering up the way we live.  The worst part of all, my husbands vision of his man cave had been taken over in the last 25 years by stuff that was no longer serving us.  Time to put this right!!

We went about pulling out items, pricing them and placing them in our very large pergola area which has a carport attached to it, making sure we had a good variety of items that might suit all of our potential customers tastes.  We quickly realised that whilst we had a enormous amount of items for sale, we have only just dented the surface and we would need to hold a few more garage sales over the coming weeks in order to move our pre-loved treasures and find them new homes.

8am and the automatic roller door was raised nervously wondering if we would attract any buyers.  We were relieved to find around 6 keen potential customers to wander through and look at our items for sale.  With great relief we sold our first items by 8:05 which started our morning off really well.  We had a constant stream of buyers and sold around two thirds of the items we had placed for sale - an awesome result!

My favourite sale (actually it was a give away) by far was near the end of the garage sale when we had a young family call in with a gorgeous little boy.  He immediately was drawn to what was once my sons absolute favourite ride on plastic car which had a little trailer attached.  The car was absolutely rough and beat up because it had been used almost daily for a number of years, most people would have thrown it out but we didn't have the heart.  To see this little boy fall in love with it like my son did made me so happy, and of course I said to his mother that we had to send it home with him (no cost) so he could continue to love it like my son did.

Knowing that items that we had previously loved have now gone to others peoples homes so they could enjoy them,  actually makes me feel really good - an added and unexpected bonus of uncluttering our lives!

Needless to say we are now already planning our next couple of sales and I definitely look forward to my husband being able to reclaim his man cave soon!  To all of those people out there contemplating taking the step, I say go ahead and do it sooner rather than later.  I certainly now wish we had taken the step years ago.  We thoroughly enjoyed the experience, met some really lovely people and made a little bit of money as a bonus.  Go for it, get moving and start uncluttering your life!

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